Mr. Coginchaug to be crowned despite the pandemic.
Annual CRHS event will take place virtually for 2021
A poster for DECA’s upcoming “Mr. Coginchaug competition.”
Mr. Coginchaug has been an annual tradition for the Regional School District 13 high school for at least the past five years. Students would gather in the auditorium to watch their fellow male classmates compete to be crowned the winner. This year however, the senior boys will be having to challenge one another online due to the pandemic.
The club organization DECA is in charge of hosting this school wide event with the help of their teacher representative Ryan Donecker. Mr.Coginchaug is a competition between the male seniors to be crowned the winner, by showing off their dancing skills, public speaking, special talents, and ability to look sharp.The members of DECA have plastered multiple posters around school spreading the news that this fun event will still be happening via the internet. The way they will be hosting is still to be determined, but Mr. Donecker speaks on that issue. “We are planning to do a livestream of some sort, hopefully with a comment section to keep the event interactive with those watching.” Donecker mentions a semi-plan they have made up. Usually students would watch from the crowd, then tweet their choice for a winner at the end of the event. A senior member of this club, Natalie Turner says, “Being able to apply is easier than ever, instead of having to do it via twitter the link is around the school on posters” ( Photos and previous winners from the past five years are posted on that same website, showing the true nature of the event. A small possibility would be having the program at the Durham Fair grounds for Seniors only to attend. This option was just recently introduced to the class of 2021 President Rhea Patel, and Vice President, myself, by Mr. Falcone and Mr. Donecker. Limited knowledge given at this time about the subject.
This year, they have expanded the competition to both Seniors and Juniors with the deadline to apply being March 5th. If you plan to apply make sure that you get that information in sooner rather than later.