Teacher Profile: Mrs. Noheimer


One of the many new faces at Coginchaug Regional High School for this school year is history teacher Alexis Noheimer. Mrs. Noheimer has arrived at Coginchaug from Bolton Highschool for her first year in the district. We sat down with her to discuss her first weeks at the school and learn about the newest member of the CRHS family. 

Devil’s Advocate (DA) : How have your first few weeks here been? 

Alexis Noheimer (AN): My first few weeks have been great! Students are nice, they do what they’re supposed to do which makes my job a lot easier. I work with great people, and so far I’ve really enjoyed my experience. 

DA: So glad to hear that! Why did you decide to move from Bolton to Coginchaug? 

AN: I live in Wallingford, and although I really liked teaching at Bolton Highschool, the commute is much easier. It’s gone from about forty five minutes for my ride, to about ten minutes, which is just much less time in the car.

DA: I can imagine! What made you decide to become a history teacher? 

AN: I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a social studies teacher, there was a period of time when I thought I wanted to be a PE teacher, but I realized that students are a little different in a classroom than they are in a gym. My mom also taught sixth grade social studies for almost forty years in Meriden. The reason I’m a teacher today is definitely her. 

DA: Are there any topics you’re really excited to teach this year? 

AN: I’m really excited to teach Global Studies [the 9th grade history course] this year! I have four Global Studies classes. It’s a course I haven’t taught before [the course is specific to Coginchaug], but I’m excited just because we’re learning about contemporary countries, the world, current events, and it’s very applicable to students’ lives. As they grow up, I hope they know where countries are in the world, what type of government they have, and why the creation of Israel impacts us today. So, I’m looking forward to that course the most. 

DA: What advice would you give to your high school self? 

AN: I would definitely say to be confident and to believe in yourself. I think I am a confident person and I think  [my students] see that in class. However, I think about myself in high school and middle school, and if I knew the answer to a question, I always wasn’t the first to raise my hand, and I wish I did. I wish I was okay to make mistakes and to fail in a class- trying my best, obviously, and just to have believed in myself a little more. And I look at some of the students  in high school and that’s the most important advice I can give to them: be yourself, believe in yourself, and be confident in yourself.  

DA: Do you have a favorite book or book series? 

AN: So, my favorite book right now is probably anything by Doris Kearns Goodwin. She is a history author and I’ve read Leadership in Turbulent Times, The Bully Pulpit, and I want to read some more of her books. I mean, as a history teacher, I admit, I like reading history books.  

DA: You use a flip phone instead of a smartphone, what made you make that decision? 

AN: I have a flip phone instead of a smartphone, and I see so many people who are addicted to their cell phones, and I just need a phone to call my mom, my husband, and 911 in case there’s an emergency: a flip phone does that. I don’t want to be that parent who’s always on their phone instead of spending time with their kids. I want to model good behavior for my students, as well as my kids,  so that is why I have a flip phone instead of a smartphone.  

DA: Is there anything else you’d like to share? 

AN: No, I’m looking forward to working at Coginchaug Regional High School. I’m looking forward to meeting more students, learning the names of everyone, learning the names of some of my colleagues-cause I haven’t met everyone yet, and I’m just looking forward to spending time here.