Best Buds, Best Time
Student gets popcorn during a Best Buds holiday event.
If you like board games, interactive games, snacks, movies, field trips, socializing and hanging out with a diverse group of students then Best Buds might be for you.There are about 25 kids participating in the Best Buds club, which is the largest number they’ve had in a while.
According to Ms. Stacy DellaCamera, one of the Best Buds advisors, “Best Buds is a program that matches students with their peers in an effort to promote friendships. The group provides support and social role modeling for a variety of students including those with special needs.” The group meets once a month both after school and for field trips (when allowed). Some of the most memorable field trips have been bowling trips, mall trips, and baseball games. “It’s really a great way to bring kids together to make friends.” Ms. DellaCamera reported.
She also shared that even early on during the pandemic, they did hold meetings virtually when everyone was remote. Last school year once clearance was given to hold after school clubs and activities we did with precautions in place. Even during remote meetings it was enjoyable and it was great to bring everyone together especially when people weren’t really able to get together due to quarantines and distancing regulations. Ms. DellaCamera recounted one time during a virtual group meeting one person was out walking and so they were basically showing the scenery of the whole walk and it was almost as if they all went on the walk together with this person.
One of the members, CRHS junior Sam Miltenberger, shared that the best part of Best Buds is, “The fun things we get to do, we never know what’s coming next, and it’s fun to think about.” Sam stated that she joined “because it was a way to be more active after school and hang out and make some new friends and do some fun stuff.” Sam shared that people should join Best Buds because “being with other people is good for you, if you try it you might have some fun.” Sam had a lot of favorite moments in Best Buds, but the one that stood out the most was a Gymnastic activity back in 8th grade, “It was a blast!”
Another member of the Best Buds Club, CRHS sophomore Kaylee Lowell, described the best part of Best Buds is: “interacting with kids you don’t normally see everyday.” She joined because it’s a fun way to socialize with a variety of kids. Kaylee shared that her most favorite activity in the Best Buds was the mall field trip where they helped each other shop for their families for the holidays.
Best Buds is always looking for new members to expand the amount of fun and joy that can be experienced in the club. Interested students can get in touch with the Best Bud advisors, Ms. DellaCamera and Ms. Kathy Bottini.