Sharing the Same Passion at the Book Club


If pleasure reading is something you enjoy, Book Club is a time that you can share your passion with other students.  This is a unique club in that it is co-facilitated by staff member, Ms. McCarthy and senior student, Jenna Ulizio.  Ulizio shared, “I love the club. I’ve been a member since I was in eighth grade, and I have been the president of it since my junior year. It has always been a fun, welcoming group of people, and I want to continue that for future students at school. I also love to read, and it is amazing to share that with a group of rock-star people.”  

The way it normally works is: Jenna puts a Google form together to vote on which book the club wants to read during the next month where the 4 choices and books are chosen from the CT State Library catalog to make it easier for everyone to get a copy.  Once a book is voted on, all the members read that same book over the course of the upcoming month.  The club then gets together on the second Monday of every month.  During their sessions they have the opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings, and interpretations about the book that they all have read.  Jenna says, “One of the nice things about a book club is that a member does not have to come to every meeting if they are busy or are not interested in the book we’re reading, so our numbers tend to fluctuate accordingly. We have a handful of passionate regulars and we have a few more members that drift into different meetings when they can. All around, it’s a great group of people and I always look forward to talking with them.” 

The last book discussed was The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed.  Jenna said, “It was about a diverse group of girls trying to do something about the sexist culture in their school.”  They had a good discussion on the many points and themes in the book and how they related to the world around them.  Jenna shared that they did enjoy the book and all had something different to bring to the discussion.  Next up is Buried Beneath the Baobab Tree by Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani.  They are hoping to meet up before the holiday break.

The club is hoping to stay in person as it gives it a more personal feel but during COVID, they keep the club strong through google meets.  A final thought from Jenna, “the club is open to all and we’re always happy to have new members.”  So if you enjoy reading, this club is happy to have you join them!