The Gaming Club


Do you have an interest in gaming?  Do you want to play video games after school with friends? Then there’s a solution for you.  Every Thursday,  join Mr. Ben Shoudy and the group of gamers at the Gaming Club.  Mr. Shoudy, the advisor of gaming club, explains, “I think that people who aren’t necessarily friends around the building can meet here because they have something in common that they’re really passionate about and become friends.“ 

Gaming club was affected deeply during the pandemic over the past 2 years. Mr. Shoudy stated,  “We used to meet in the library and have snacks, and now we don’t have snacks [so everyone can keep their masks on].  It was also cut short because last year we had to leave at 3:00 when the building closed early. We have also been careful about cleaning our controllers better.”  Despite these obstacles, the Gaming Club never stopped meeting.  It even went online in 2020 during the initial shut down. The club has been getting better as things are beginning to return to normal, even extending our meeting time to 90 minutes instead of only an hour. 

The presidents of Gaming Club are Seniors Zack Ryer and Evan Clancy.  They both love guiding the Club to its fullest potential and try to make it as fun as possible.  Zack said, “We all have a love for games and we play them.”  

While the school used to provide some antiquated gaming systems, now with the invention of the Nintendo Switch it’s easier for more people to participate with modern software.  Evan usually brings the Nintendo Switch so games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mario Kart or Cuphead and more can be played.  The game they invest in the most is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, because it’s the ultimate party game which 8 can play at once. Video Games aren’t the only type of games in the club however.  “We got video games or board games, we got any gamer’s interest.”, said Zack.  Some kids like to play board games as well, we have things like Pandemic, Uno,  deck of Cards, etc.

Gaming Club is a great opportunity for kids in different grades to come together and bond over a love of games.  It’s a wonderful way to take a break from school and just have a fun time. Evan explained, “The club has been around for as long as I can remember when I was in high school, and I made some great friends along the way.”  

Who knows what the Gaming Club will be like after the mask restrictions are finally lifted. Perhaps they could have snacks and soda again and things could finally return to normal.  For more information, go see Mr. Shoudy, Evan Clancy, or Zack Ryer for any clarification.  They are always welcoming for new members to join and have a great time. 


(The writer of this article is a co-president of the Gaming Club.)