Tequila Twilight of Deerfield Farm in Durham, and I took a #cowselfie.Bourbon of Deerfield Farm took home 1st in the 4-year old category. “We got Supreme Champion with Bourbon as well, which means she’s the best dairy cow out of all the others presented here at the fair.” said Melynda Naples, the owner of Deerfield Farm.Annabelle of Jackson Hollow Farm was attempting to get more food out of the feed bag that was strategically placed out of her reach. Silly cow!Autumn of Rock Maple Farm was enjoying a rare quiet moment in the barn. It’s surprising how well behaved the cows are since they are cooped up for so long in the crowded barn at the fair.This baby cow was Miss. Popular, as everyone clamored to get a picture of her.These two are enjoying an intimate moment. It’s as if they don’t realize all the commotion going on around them.Here, Coginchaug senior Erin Smith poses with Tequila Twilight of Deerfield Farm. “I have always loved seeing the cows at the fair, ever since I was a little kid.” said Erin. The cows are a major attraction at the Durham Fair, despite the smelly barn and crowded quarters.Gordy, a baby Milking Shorthorn, was just born on September 16th, 2014. The owner’s said that they must keep her enclosed because she often feels the need to wander around and stretch her legs.“I thought cows only lie down when it rains!” exclaimed a little kid as he and his parents passed this row of cows.Spot the difference! One of these cows seems to be out of place…I got up close and personal with this big fella.This fella looks as tired as the farm owners, they are all required to essentially live in the barn for the duration of the fair. Most farms bring cots and other makeshift beds in order to maximize their rest time, but we all know how noisy these animal’s can be!It’s as if this cow is saying, “What’cha lookin’ at? There’s nothing to see here.”At first glance, these two may look like over-sized pigs but Winter and Windy are definitely cows, in fact Windy took home a ribbon for showmanship.